Monday, October 24, 2022

Well, I voted.

I decided my hair looked OK today so I did not wash it.  I found a shower cap under the sink and wore that during my shower.  My hair was a little frizzy but OK.  I did my God time and all that, went to vote.  

I had to catch 2 buses to get there, no it was 3.  I pulled the bell too late and the driver let me off anyway, he was very nice, I walked over to the polling place and there was an SUV handing out gallons of milk to passers-by, but when they saw me they stopped, shut the back, and drove off.  I guess I looked like a snitch.  

That is illegal, by the way, to try to influence someone to vote for your guy by handing out gifts literally at the door of the polling place.  I went in and got started.  There were literally 95 things to vote on and I had to take it by each election.  I voted for everyone I wanted of course, and on the judges I went with the conservative ones.  I have a relative who is a judge but he was not on the ballot this year.  When we got to the bond issues I read each one.  The taxpayers had to pay them all back.  One of them was for bike trails and park space, and everyone is struggling just to pay their bills.  I'm not having my taxes go up so some yuppie gets a bike trail.  

The emergency services district had a bond and I did vote for that, as Ron and I used them several times the last few years.  Basically that adds one penny per thousand of valuation on my house and I am OK with that.  All done.  What next?!  They have made it very complicated.  I had to hit some buttons, according to the nice lady (place was pretty empty thank God), feed paper into the machine, feed the other paper, I couldn't get it to take the damned paper!  I did not want to vote again!  So many elections!  Got it in there after I prayed and it printed up.  

Then I had to go to the other lady and feed the papers into her machine.  The machine displayed a flag and said it had counted my votes, and I got a sticker.  So that was all done.  

I went to the gas station and bought myself a diet Dr pepper.  The bus came pretty quick and I went to the grocery store (I had my grocery store bag with me the whole time).  

I went in there thinking I need fruits, vegetables.  I did that.  I got some nice little limes I can squeeze over my cut up apples before I eat them.  I got a nice bag of mandarin oranges that really were sweet and easy peel (I ate one when I got home).  I got more apples, still 3 for $1.  I got bananas.  I got a big bag of kale.  I still had cucumbers.  I considered that good for fruits and vegetables (I have my carbs at 60 a day right now).  

I went to the cheese and got a 2 pound block of cheese for $6.50.  I wanted a turkey chub, frozen, for $2 but they did not have any.  Bummer.  I went to the meat wall and found a nice pot roast for $8.  It was more than I wanted to spend but it is a nice dark red and looks very savory.  It was also less than 2 pounds which means it will fit great in the crockpot.  The 3 pound roasts do not fit.  I have a small crock pot.  I found a nice tray of 6 pork chops with only a little bit of bone for $5.  I can have those for dinner all week.  

That pretty much did my budget so I stopped then and only got a 50 cent bag of chips for my snack.  I wanted to get a bottle of diet soda but didn't think I had enough (I did).  I checked out, she was very slow but I got it done.  The 8 ounce blocks of pepper jack were really 97 cents I was glad I got 2.  

I forgot to get caramels for the drivers but I didn't have enough money anyway.  I do have a big 5 pound bag of pinata mix right now and also a bag of bit o honey chewies.  That will hold me another week.  

My last driver was really excited to get the candy.  He hadn't had me before I could tell.  I got off and walked home, it wasn't too heavy.  I put everything in the fridge.  I have a good amount of food, eggs, cheese, meat, fruit, and vegetables.  I even have tea.  I have good options for breaks and lunches all week.  

I tried to call my aunt but went to voicemail so I took a video of Biscuit purring.  Let me see if I can put it up.  My Mom said you could hear his purr motor.  It didn't work.  I'm sorry.  

Then I took a nap.  I woke up with my head hurting, Cleo in my bed and my hip bothering me (I think from carrying my stuff around all day).  It doesn't bother me at work though.  I may need to start taking some MSM, ginger root, or turmeric.  

I will not be watching TV as it is Criminal Minds today and that is very, very, depressing.  That's it for now.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just ran across this info and thought of you.
Do a search for hot sauce/anti inflammatory/pain
I get hip pain sometimes too, I'm 64.
I'm thinking a bottle of red hot sauce on scrambled eggs sounds wonderful.
Did you know you can make scrambled eggs in the microwave? You can also use paper bowls. Win win.