Saturday, October 8, 2022

Some bad news

 Jack's wife died.  He lives in my neighborhood so I don't know if he will be moving or even able to help me anymore.  I will have to leave that up to God.  I feel terrible for him because I've been there.  Now he has to deal with all the funeral details.  

I don't think he will cremate.  

Last night was pretty busy but I did most of what they wanted me to do.  There was one thing I couldn't do because I didn't have what I needed.  We will see what they say today.  

I got "the doc" to fix my app again he was very nice about it (he is also a lot younger than me so not interested).  I am waiting on my cab driver ride to work, he got all the money this week.  Last night I bought a thing of Tide Pods with my gift card and took that home with him, it was heavy and I was glad I did it that way.  I also found a pair of 50 cent leggings in a cute print, in my size, so I got them too.  I got that with the other gift card which is probably about spent as it only had $25 on it.  But I had fun with it and no regrets, that was "work snacks". 

Some of my co workers have been asking for lotion so I brought a bottle (something we don't sell at the store) for them.  I think it will be pretty popular.  I had 2 people asking me just last night.  My skin is so oily I don't need lotion, I am still using acne soap at almost 50.  

I had better go cab will be here any minute.  


Anonymous said...

Just because a man is nice to you does not mean he wants to get with you. Get over yourself. Sorry to hear about Jack's wife.

Anonymous said...

Why would you be asked to bring lotion in for your coworkers? For petes sake can't they buy their own lotion? What's next a full course meal? Pillows and blankets?

Heather Knits said...

They are nice enough ladies and I already had the lotion.

I have no eyes for the male/female stuff. None at all I am just trying to figure it out as I go along. If I get nervous I talk about Ron and that seems to do the trick.