Friday, October 21, 2022

Friday morning

 Last night was a little challenging.  I have a certain job to do and I do it well.  However, another employee got in my way.  She made things difficult.  

The boss was not around, I don't think she would have done what she did had they been in.  The ironic thing she was doing the exact same thing she gossips about me, "being messy" (which I am not).  I finally got my stuff out of her way, "let" her make her mess (it was easily tracked back to her) so, if she left anything over night, it tracks back to her and gets her in trouble.  I did my end of things well like I always do.  But she was slow, inefficient, and basically begging to be fired.  She had said something about moving to another department but I haven't seen it so I will have to live with her.  I do know she does not work tonight.  So there's that.  

And there is always that one employee everywhere who gets on your nerves, talks crap about you behind your back, etc.  I came around a corner and came on her and another employee talking.  They immediately stopped talking and started acting furtive so I guess they were talking about me, but I don't care.  What is there to say?  My husband died?  I own a house?  I was married to a black man?  This is all common knowledge. 

I came home, great ride.  We almost got T boned but my driver was alert and avoided it.  We would have been hit on my side so that would have been a very bad ride for me.  

Cats were good.  Mom was having a dinner with friends so I just texted to let them know I got home OK.  I did text more with my aunt.   

Depression was OK at work.  Generally I can put it in a box and get to work.  Last year, not so much, but they kept me around anyway.  I guess even at my worst I was a decent employee.  

I went to bed early.  I used some of my gift money to buy myself a delicious $2 (with discount) Diet Dr Pepper on my last break but I fell asleep easily.  I woke up around 3 AM, I sleep on my side, generally my left side, and Biscuit had gotten up on my right hip and it felt like he was pulling it out of the socket!  He is a good 20 pounds.  I had to move him but he kept coming back.  It is commendable he wants to be close, really, but this may be why I have had some tenderness in the hip lately.  I could not go back to sleep.  And it was 3 AM.  I talked to God a little and tried to doze, and felt like I really could have dropped off again about the time my alarm went off.  Oh, well.  

The good news tonight I get a good 8 hours because I don't start until 1 PM tomorrow.  1-8.  I don't get it, but I will work it.  They have me scheduled to work until 11 a couple nights so I need to talk to Personnel about that today.  But my boss can "fix" it if I "leave early" at 10.  

I took a B complex when I got up because the difficult co worker had a very deep, dry cough and kept facing me as she worked.  I don't know if she is contagious or what but I don't want to go out sick.  Another co worker who had been sick off and on a lot lately is now on a leave of absence not sure what that is.  But she won't be in tonight and I took my B vitamin.  I also took a zinc lozenge last night to be sure.  

Sometimes the B vitamins are helpful for depression in conjunction with my medication.  Not a replacement by any means but they do help in addition sometimes.  It is an old bottle and smells awful when I open it but they still work.  

I also took a 100 mg caffeine pill because I figure I will need that!  I need to clean the litter box and take my shower.  

The Tidy Cats holds up very well if I neglect the box for a while but it has a LOT of dust.  So I only scoop it before I take a shower.  So they are set with nice clean boxes now.  

I got my shower.  I am not crazy about my generic "Fructis" shampoo so I used Suave, and then the Fructis conditioner.  My hair looked good yesterday so I am happy about that.  I am a little vain about my hair when I am not massively depressed.  I think it looks pretty if I take care of it.  Which means a nice conditioner.  

If they have it, I am going to buy some Vitamin E before work and take that, I need to get a blood test in a couple of weeks and hopefully it will make my triglycerides look better.  Dad is worried about me as I have a family history of heart trouble on both sides, and my triglycerides are already over 200.  

I wonder about what is in my tap water as lately my eyes have been very irritated when I shower.  What is in my water?  If I have kidney trouble I will not blame the lithium, but the tap water as that's all I drink.  

Almost time to go.  A little depressed but I will be OK.  Dad texted me this morning I thought that was sweet.  Sounds like he had fun last night.  

I need to figure out transportation for the next couple weeks those late nights are adding up...

That's it for now.  

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