Monday, October 24, 2022

Monday morning

I didn't sleep great but I sort of expected it after that cup of coffee last night.  I don't regret taking it, though.  He (nice married man) was very sweet about giving it to me and so happy and proud when I took it.  

I had some cats in the bed.  I was a restless sleeper though.  I pulled out my fleece blanket and was sleeping directly under the wool one (an old Harbor Freight safety blanket) but it is not too scratchy and is very warm.  So I need to strip the bed anyway and wash my sheets (I don't worry about the blankets as I use a top sheet, not sure where that went last night either) today along with the laundry I do have from the week.  

I wore the same jeans 4 days in a row.  No cycle yet.  I don't know how long this will go.  My mother apparently went long times without a cycle and then would get one, then months again, before she ended in her mid 50's.  So I could have some time yet.  But I do hear having a period is good for your heart and also easier to lose weight.  It just gets tiring wearing a pad every day.  Happily the pads are still cheap.  

I was happy to see I got down to 185 today, that is 5 pounds lost in the last month.  I need to eat and bring a snack when I go to the grocery store today so I don't get hungry and get a bad thing like that time I got the cream puffs.  That one set me back a couple of pounds.  

I would like to get a small roast but I will see what they have.  Meat is so expensive I want to get something I will enjoy.  If they have it I will get more ground turkey as I can do a lot with that.  I think I am OK for fruit for another week.  Vegetables I need to check the kale and see if it is OK, if not I need to buy more.  

Spotty is sitting up next to me on the printer, he is pretty cute.  They have plenty of cat food but he doesn't want to eat "old" food.  He will if I wait long enough.  Then I will give him some fresh.  I may feed them 1 cup twice today vs. 2 cups in the morning (that is for all of them).  

I am OK on driver candy so I don't have to worry about that.  

Looks like I can vote today so I will do that.  The place is on a main bus line I have to take anyway.  I really want to make sure the conservatives get/stay in.  Our judges for instance are atrocious.  See years ago we had the Trump election, the second one.  There was a very big push by the Democrats for everyone to vote a straight Democratic ticket which had some awful results, we ended up with a corrupt county commissioner, who is also inept.  We got a lot of Democratic judges one of whom doesn't even believe in prison at all.  They keep letting out repeat felons to commit more crimes.  No one is throwing away the key, so to speak.  Etc.  And I like the governor.  So I feel like I really need to vote today.  I am DEFINITELY voting today if at all possible.  

Best of all I don't have to take a cab to do it.  Our usual place, only open on election day, I would have to take a cab.  I do try to take the bus when I can.  

When I get paid ideally I will be putting $20 on my bus card.  

Getting ready to go.  More later.  


Anonymous said...

Your parents are fairly well off so that would apply to thembut when a person us at poverty level or below like you are their solver and gold thing is absolute nonsense and has no basis in reality at all. You can still hand out candy but it doesn't have to be as extravagant. You are choosong to be wasteful and foolish with your money.

Heather Knits said...

Oh it's 100% not logical. I am clear on that.

I could play the grief card and say it is one way I honor my dead husband, who so loved to be the "good house" on Halloween and hand out a full sized snickers. Talk about how excited he would get every year buying the candy and looking at it after I did it up in zip locks with a scripture booklet, and, in better years, even more candy.

But it makes me happy, the kids have come to expect it, and I will continue as long as possible.

Anonymous said...

Ron was not good with money. He wasted a rent payment on alcohol every month and never saved a dime. Leaving you in extreme financial straits when he died. So to honor his foolish ways with spending is continuing his wastefulness and inability to care about properly providing for his wife.

Heather Knits said...

Some of Ron's behavior was awful. Some of it wasn't, example adopting every cat in need that came along. I didn't want 6 cats; he did. He couldn't bear to turn them away. He loved to hear the kids on Halloween.

I can be very very stubborn if you haven't figured that out. I had enough grocery money for eggs, pot roast (a nice one), and pork chops this week in addition to yet another giant block of cheese. Plenty of cat food on hand, bills are paid. So I am OK doing this.

Also I would probably get egged if I stopped! LOL

I don't keep any other traditions and may not even do the tree this year.