Sunday, October 16, 2022

Sunday morning

I have a minute so I will take it.  

I slept OK.  No I did not watch the epic Astros game but I will wear my (plain) orange t shirt to work.  I bought it to wear on Bible Handouts but it works very well as a team shirt.  No, it doesn't have any logos but it's in the spirit, I think.  I wore it after they won the World Series.  Maybe they'll get another one this year, I know all the customers were looking for Astros gear yesterday and definitely will today.

The cats are good.  I suspect another cat got in the house last night as they seemed very hungry last night.  Maybe the other cat ate some food?  I don't know.  They were fine this morning.  Biscuit is cleaning himself over in the corner.  I didn't see Cleo and God knows where Spotty has gotten off to.  He likes to go in my closet (Ron's) with my wedding gown.  I have a couple of other dresses in there too.  

I need to figure out my budget.  I need at least $80 for the candy for the kids.  I can do some of that tomorrow at work after I deposit the check.  I also need quart zip locks.  I will get those then, too.   I'll get it all, probably tomorrow.  

I have to go.  


Anonymous said...

I think its ridiculous you are going to spend 80.00 on halloween candy when you are so broke. You really need to focus on you and your own financial situation instead if using Halloween to spread your false religion to children.

Heather Knits said...

That post, kids, is what we call "persecution".

It is my money from the insurance company and I can spend it how I wish. I would rather do this and have some lasting (to me) benefit than just buy food or whatever.

As I said to a couple of social workers on different occasions, I have enough to eat. I will be buying some necessities tomorrow once I get the check deposited.