Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Tuesday afternoon/evening

I was down to 186 this morning (well, .6) so the salad sure helped.  I had a big salad for breakfast and a big salad with dinner have about a third of it left.  

I got to the Post Office OK.  There were two homeless guys on the bus, one behind me, as I rode the last bus.  One of them got off and followed me a block, then went around me and raced into the Post Office.  When I caught up with him (I didn't hurry) he was going on about The Army Of Righteousness to some other guys in the Post Office lobby.  Ay yi yi.  Happily I did not see him again.  

I went in there and stood in line.  I found a very nice card so I bought it (I didn't have a card in the package) and stuck it in.  I had a bad tremor incident this morning when I made the mailing label.  It was awful, even I couldn't read it.  The clerk said she could work with it and made a new label.  She was very nice. 

Both my biological parents had/have a severe hand tremor, plus everything I take for my condition causes hand tremor as well, add in light caffeine usage and you have a mess.  

I might have happened to mention I used to work at the Post Office.  😂  It didn't hurt.  I left and went to the bus stop NOT near the homeless hangout which was to the left, I went to the right and was not hassled.  It was funny when the bus came she greeted me like a long lost friend; she normally takes me to work.  So we yakked about vegetable gardens (hers sounds amazing) all the way to the transit center.  

I had to take one more bus to get home, I got off a couple miles from the house at the low cost grocery.  They had apples 3 for $1 just like the other store so I got some more.  Apples keep forever and I really like them.  I only plan to eat one a day though that is about 20 carbs, which I can do.  

I also got some ground turkey I plan to make taco meat with it.  And candy they had a very nice mixed bag of caramels for $5 and a very large bag of assorted pinata candy for $10.  A handful of each and I am good - and I was OUT of candy today I had NOTHING.  I think it will be tricky as I get closer to Halloween because no one has any money so they are buying up all the cheap stuff.  

I had to wait in a very slow line.  She used up her entire food stamps and then bought about another $75.  I wondered how many people she was feeding.  I was quick.  I had bought an extra bag (2 ounce sour cream and onion) of chips and gave that to my last driver.  I got home pretty quick.  

This store sells a brand of chicken franks that is pretty good, not great but certainly edible.  They normally run about 80 cents, today they were on sale for 50 cents.  BUT I only bought one package because I had some already.  I decided to go ahead and open my oldest package and ate 4 of them with another big salad for dinner.  It was pretty tasty.  

I ate 4 hot dogs, not four packages, I think I should clarify.  😂😂  They are OK not delicious but not that awful Ball-Park nitrate flavor I loathe.  I have BBQ sauce and used it (it all went in my app).  And 25 cents a meal you can't beat that.  I did not use buns.  I wouldn't spend my carbs on a hot dog bun.  And I don't get any headaches, indigestion, etc. from eating them so God continues to provide food.  

I am watching some new Chicago Fire reruns, I have not seen, I think it is season 9 or 10.  It has Violet, Gallo, and Ritter; and Boden was just promoted.  I already know about the sad thing in season 11 my cell phone couldn't wait to tell me.  So that is nice to have some "new" shows.  

We will see what the scale says tomorrow; I am thinking to up the carbs a little and reduce fat for a while, see how that goes.  Worst case I stop losing and readjust.  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

Do you watch 911 and Chicago Med?

Heather Knits said...

I have seen both. I like Med but ION (local channel) does not have it they tend to do more the police things like Chicago PD, NCIS, etc.

I like both of them I really like first responder shows. I am enjoying the story line about the paramedicine program for the frequent fliers on "Fire". Makes a very good point.

The only times I ever called for Ron he had either fallen, had a seizure, or died. When Ron was randomly dialing people at 3 AM he never called 911 thank God. And we all thought he was drunk...one guy's wife called Ron back because she thought Ron was another woman. Ooops.