Monday, June 17, 2024

Mostly new drivers today

 I had my flashlight at the first stop so she saw me.  

Interesting note: not one of my new drivers was surprised by the candy, unlike previous drivers.  So I think that driver was right when he said they did talk about me.  They were expecting it.  

So my primary routes all new drivers.  One "old" driver at the transit center.  

My last route had a driver off the extra board she said my regular driver ran late and lost the route for the day.  That bus had a pretty bad leak issue water was dripping all over half the seats.  I plan to call about that.  

I normally wake up with a headache.  Last night I had the thought why not take a Butterbur (herbal supplement) at night and see if it helps.  It is a hell of a lot safer than the propranolol.  And it worked.  So I will just do that.  

The tropical blob, to quote a weather blogger, hasn't made it inland yet.  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

You can't keep flip flopping on taking or not taking blood pressure medication. Either you are on the propranolol or you aren't. Either way make a decision and stick to it. Once you start taking the propranolol long term you would have to taper off of it and not just stop cold turkey.

Anonymous said...

I think the point about you really aren't witnessing to anyone when ALL the drivers know and expect the candy at this point. Better to find a job closer and then go do your handouts once a month wherever, instead of being a martyr and thinking you have to travel by bus 4 hours everyday just to give the same bus drivers candy.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Houston is going to get hit with lots and lots of rain this week.

Heather Knits said...

It is not just the drivers I love everyone I work with. Most days.

Heather Knits said...

I'm not taking it. I went from 2 pills a day to one and then one every other day.