Sunday, June 16, 2024

I pulled this out of my shower drain

 Sometimes I like to tease my readers.  

Anyway I have long hair and I hadn't been using my hair catcher in the shower drain.  My drain was getting sluggish so I had a look the other day and ended up pulling this out: 

A little while ago, I gave it, and the sink drain (bathroom sink which is also sluggish for some reason) a lye treatment.  I know one reader has vapors over that but I felt it was warranted.  It was only half a bottle of the cheap stuff.  They run MUCH better now.  

That's the problem with longer hair.  

I had another hideous headache this morning.  It is better but AGH.  Completely unmotivated.  

I did talk to Dad and sent him some baby pictures of him holding me.  He liked that.  

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