Tuesday, June 4, 2024



And then the cowards turned off commenting for the post.  


Anonymous said...

Ah does that mean you're also a coward when you won't post comments that you don't like?

Heather Knits said...

Good point. Metro is a coward because they won't even allow comments. I allow, and read, comments I just don't post the ones I find abusive or demeaning of my faith. But I read them.

Anonymous said...

I've had comments held back because they "weren't nice".
We can be too nice not to tell people they're on the highway to hell. The truth always divides.

Heather Knits said...

Well we have to remember Blogger is hosting all this and they have "inclusive" terms of service.

Also I figured people know sin leads to hell already. Either they don't believe, don't care, or in one reader's case so angry at Him for what He allowed in their life...

Anonymous said...

"Ah does that mean you're also a coward when you won't post comments that you don't like?" Exactly. People often can't see they are doing the same thing that they accuse other's of doing. I believe that is the remove the plank from your own eye first Bible verse.

Anonymous said...

How do you witness to someone who has extreme anger towards God for what He has allowed to happen to them and they say they have prayed countless times to Him and He keeps letting the bad stuff happen?

Heather Knits said...

To the person who has suffered I would say we don't always get to see the big picture and how it can work out. (12:53 comment)

I am not going to post comments that disrespect my God, my faith, or me(10:03 comment)

Anonymous said...

I would tell them Jesus took the penalty for their sin so they wouldn't perish in eternity. That's LOVE.