Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday afternoon

 I think it's ironic I have had quite a few flames over the years accusing me of incompetence.  

Ron's medical providers never had a problem giving him back to me, and one acclaimed me saying it was "So nice not to have to dumb things down for the family".  

The fact that I knew temporal lobe brain damage - which Ron had - could lead to seizures and I was able to relate he had in fact had a coup-contracoup injury there.  Things like that.  

I have fluid abilities.  I can't drive but I just cranked out a budget spreadsheet.  That's the nature of my disability and probably the thing that aggravates people who know me well.  

Oh, speaking of driving.  I went to the grocery store.  I had my handcart.  I have had this thing for a couple years now.  

I did my shopping, got my stuff, and I was headed for the bus stop when I hit a little crack in the pavement and POP there went a wheel.  It was a 4 wheeled cart.  I was in the driveway and people were honking so I dragged it out of the way and had a look.  The thing that holds the wheel on the axle is plastic and broke off entirely, no hope for that.  I thought maybe I can limp home on 3 wheels.  

Generally my grocery store trip the second driver drops me, goes to the end of the line, gets his break (it's always a man for some reason) and comes back to get me.  That happened today.  

He pulls up, opens the door "Your cart is broken"  

"I know"  

"How are you getting home (from the bus stop)?" 

"God knows" I replied as I hauled it on the bus.  I gave him his snack and he almost cried "I accidentally threw out my lunch, I just realized it" (he roots through the bag) "This is GREAT!"  

It only cost me like $3.  I had a bottle of cold water, a banana, some peanuts, etc.  Glad I did it (things like that go under "gifts" on my budget).  We got to my stop and I got off, got about 100 feet, watched him pull away and the axle snapped.  

Cue a good 15 minutes of difficulty trying to go a few blocks.  A pickup stopped next to me and a young Latino man got out "Having trouble?"  

He had a look at the cart, I said I knew it was dead.  He asked if he could give me a ride and I said yes.  He put the cart in the back and gave me a ride home, introduced himself, when we got home he took the cart out and left it by the front door.  

"Next time you see your Mom" I told him "Tell her she raised you right!" I grinned.  Then I gave him a bag of candy with a tract in it, he was very surprised by that.  

I don't believe in coincidences.  If God puts someone in my orbit they need the Gospel.  

I put my meat away and took a nap with Biscuit.  Biscuit is a champion nap cat.  I slept great with him.  

I got up and did the spreadsheets for the end of May and June to date.  

Now I'm going to rot my brain, but not on Facebook.  

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