Sunday, June 9, 2024

Dad sent me a Chromebook

 When he got a look at what I was using.  I set it up yesterday.  It was very easy but I did unplug the router by accident and then I couldn't find the network.  I got that sorted and Biscuit got in my lap, walked on the track pad, and selected a neighbor's network!  It was pretty funny.  

I took a ton of photos I will post later.  I set up "smart lock" so my phone can unlock the laptop.  

A quick run down: I got a used computer at an auction in 95.  Built my own computer in 99.  After that I bought a series of used computers.  I bought a used laptop in 2002 to help run the business, it had a good run, Ron bought me a reconditioned one a few times, Dad gave me an old laptop which was stolen, my very sweet brother in law sent me another one.  Ron bought me the reconditioned ones.  Eric gave me one of his.  

So this is my first "new" computer in 25 years.  I like it a lot it is a wonderful size for me and does everything I want. I am still figuring it out.  

I was using a corded mouse and keyboard on my old system because I got tired of changing batteries.  I was already using Chrome as my browser. 

I just need to set up Sheets so I can do spreadsheets, and, if I can swing it, get a cute case for it.  

First though I have to pay off the credit card and the homeowners basic policy.  

I was sick all night with food poisoning but it seems to have been the one night version flushing all night but OK and hungry in the morning.  

So I'm at work.  

That's it for now!  

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