Friday, June 21, 2024

"Oh HELL no!"

 So today was really weird.  

I woke up with a migraine but managed to beat it back enough I could work.  

But first, a nice hot shower.  I get in there, naked, turn the water on and Biscuit starts screaming at me and jumps in the shower with me.  He stays in the shower until I start washing my feet (last) and gets out.  

I thought "This is going to be one of those days".  

I met one of my "old" drivers again, a very nice lady, I was very happy to see her even though she does tend to run late.  

I got on the Crazy Train and it was a younger black man driving.  

He pulls up at a stop, a pretty typical sight: an older white man, filthy, greasy unbrushed hair, a wheelchair piled high with his hoard.  

What's not typical is the kind of language he used when he saw the driver.  Then more racial slurs when he saw the bus was full of (black people).  Everyone ignored him.  

By this time I had figured out I'd better put on my headphones, and it's a good thing I did because he kept trying to get my attention (I was the only other white person on the vehicle).  

He is raving nonsense and suddenly stops dead as the bus pulls up to a stop.  He reaches into his bag.  The driver opens the door.  And pulls out an egg - from a chicken.  

He offers it to the black lady sitting across the way from him.  

"Oh HELL NO" and she gets off.  

It wasn't her stop!  

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