Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wednesday morning

 I woke up around midnight pretty sick.  My evening meds did not like my dinner.  I spent some time vomiting and cleaning up.  I took a Phenergan tablet which did the trick but it made me very groggy.  

So I thought about it.  I didn't want to call in today but I wasn't able to ride the bus at my usual time.  So I reset my alarm and took a Uber.  

I can't do that everyday but it was a good fix for today.  The driver was a very quiet man who played Turkish pop which was fun.  He sure liked the candy and of course - and I told him "You're getting a real tip but I want you to have this".  And I did.  He was a very good driver.  

I made it here about 8:10 and I start at 9.  

I won't see my friend today, he is off.  But you never know he may come by the store. 

It's going to be hot today coming home.  Today, I would take a ride.  We will see.  

That's it for now.  

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