Monday, June 10, 2024

Monday morning, a rare weekday off.

I got the credit card paid off, the computer paid (Dad reimbursed me).  I need to wait for something to clear my account and then make the payment on the insurance.   

I slept horribly last night, I kept waking up every hour or so.  I had nightmares about an earthquake in CA.  I wouldn't wish that on anyone.  

Yesterday the TV at work had pride day parades on TV, talking about "the state of pride' before.  Just once I'd like to see some real evangelism.  They used to play David Jeremiah - I liked him - or Joel Osteen (I don't).  Most of the time they have the 24 hour streaming channel 13 which I think is appropriate.  

I really like the Chromebook I was worried I was going to feel like I was settling but I don't.  Cleo is next to me on the couch demanding pets and purring at me.  Spotty's on the back of the couch watching me type.  It's cute.  Oh!  Cleo is doing "the tractor" where she backs her butt into me.  I love that one.  I am playing music on the speakers and they are very good.  I feel like the computer is fast and it has a great display.  

If I could beat this headache I'd be a happy woman.  I'm going to fix a protein shake and take my pills.  


Anonymous said...

Have you tried ?

Anonymous said...

I just started taking B1 (thiamine)
Waking up much less at night.

Heather Knits said...

I have some mega b's on the kitchen table I will try that TODAY.

I still need to check out JD. I think he's probably a lot like RR though "Any day now!" Which we evangelicals know.

Anonymous said...

JD Farag is interesting and has a lot of good information. To me, he comes a little close to date setting sometimes, but only because of his enthusiasm for the rapture and I think he has a sincere heart to see as many saved as possible.

Heather Knits said...

I did take a b vitamin.

Anonymous said...

He teaches verse by verse like calvary chapel and I love his weekly prophecy updates. After listening to those, I'm convinced were in the last days.

Heather Knits said...

I was convinced when I joined the RR board back in 1999. Even more so these days.

Remember Medic 911 and the dream he had about praying for terrorists bound for hell? And he posted it like TWO DAYS before 9/11?