Saturday, June 15, 2024

I bought a chair for the bus stop

Orange folding stool

The times I've been out there I have been wishing for a seat more than the shade, even.  


Anonymous said...

Smart idea. You can use it at all the bus stops and not have to worry about feces and other nasties.

Heather Knits said...

That's the plan!

Last week they were revamping the transit center which had very long benches at the shelters. I believe they are/have installed new benches with what I call the "bum guards" every 18 inches or so to prevent the homeless sleeping on them.

Work has surveys, i always fail them on 'I have the tools I need to do my job". Metro bus has surveys and I always fail them on "the bus is clean" "The bus is safe". Well maybe they are listening on the clean thing.

I was quite annoyed to hear Metro PD is loaning out officers to the city. They need to get those officers to the transit centers and riding some of the more troubled routes. A cop, in uniform, would do WONDERS for safety on the bus.

There was a very cute and friendly officer (I never mentioned him) who worked for the county jail who rode the "Crazy train" bus home. He wore his uniform and carried a big stick he didn't seem to need for walking. He was very nice, alert, and everyone behaved like ANGELS when he was on board. He must have fixed his car because I haven't seen him in almost a year. I would love to have someone like him on half my buses... [sigh]

I do think Metro is trying to make things cleaner. But I also believe the liberal bent of "homeless rights to defecate wherever they want, we don't hospitalize mentally ill against their will even if they are a menace" thinking has them pretty hamstrung.