Saturday, June 1, 2024

A nice boring trip to the store this morning

 I woke up around 6 and decided to get up.  I wake up between 3-5 times a night - my Dad does too, and caffeine intake, exercise, working, not working, nothing seems to affect it.  I thought it was caregiving but Ron's gone and it persists.  I have just accepted this as part of my life.  

In the unlikely event I remarry we will probably need separate beds.  

So I got up, did my protein shake, took my shower, shaved my legs, got dressed in my favorite cargo shorts.  I headed out to the grocery store.  

It wasn't too busy which was nice, but the vegetable/bakery area is always packed no matter when I go.  Meat, too.  

I decided I will make some spaghetti.  They had some cream based cajun pasta sauce and I thought that would be good over noodles with some sausage.  I am deathly allergic to crab and I avoid seafood due to cross contamination issues.  I got some hives on my hand this week and I am not sure if it was zoning the nuts or maybe eating a cup of noodles.  The noodles say on the back they may be cross contaminated with shellfish.  I think it was the noodles, to be honest.  

I got in line, paid, headed out.  It was very hot, sunny, humid at the bus stop.  I will need to start bringing my insulated tote bag for the perishables.  

I got the same driver who brought me and she loved her snack.  I got her a banana, a bag of nuts, a bag of chips (in vending terms it would be considered LSS or ounce and a half size), a candy bar, and a generic brand soda.  She looked pretty happy to see it.  

It was a long, hot, walk home from the bus stop but I didn't see any dogs which was great.  I was very sweaty by the time I got home, I went to the bathroom, used the toilet, wet down a washcloth, and wiped my face with it.  Then I held the cool washcloth on my face for a few beats.  That was very refreshing.  I may need to figure out how to put one in a zip lock and bring it when I go to work Friday afternoons.  The other days I leave the house when it's still dark and that's as good as I'm going to get on the weather.  

I put up the groceries and started the laundry.  We were forecast to get thunderstorms this afternoon and I don't like to run the washer during bad weather.  

I am probably very unusual but I actually read the entire manual for the washer online before I bought it.  It advised not to run it during bad weather.  

The dryer is, like, immortal.  I had that pipe leak all over it all night and then the ceiling fell in on it, and it still works.  Impressive!  It's a Kenmore.  

I took a nap.  I woke up with a little bit of a headache but it was raining.  It lasted until about 2:30 or so.  I plugged the computer back in and got online, only to find one of my mission partners had used a statement I made (when asking for supplies) on their Facebook!  "Please pray for Heather!" they asked!!  I'll take it!  

The cats are good; I haven't seen Spotty in a while he is probably out.  That's it for now!  

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