Friday, June 28, 2024

Friday morning

 I haven't checked my Fitbit so I don't know how I slept.  But I at least got plenty of time to sleep.  

I did wake up a couple of times.  Biscuit slept with me some of it.  

My plan for the weekend I will be cleaning the house, I wouldn't want anyone in here right now.  I also need to get some groceries.  

My old cart broke (someone took it when I put it out at the curb even though it is non functional and can't be repaired!) so I will rig up another cart with some milk crates.  I told Ace I might buy some milk at work tonight so I don't have to worry about getting it home in the cart and he agreed.  

I told Ace about the hair thing but not the bus driver.  While I consider Ace a friend he doesn't talk about his personal life and probably does not want to hear about mine.  There's not much to say, I'm sweet on him, he smiles at me a lot (and no one else), he seems very considerate.  

I did warn one of my managers about the stalker issue and told her if (this person) shows up I don't work there, anyone else, call me.  She got it.  She wanted to know how the stalker was bothering me and I basically said online but did not get into the blog.  I keep the blog separate from work.  

I need the outlet.  I think there is a way to make the blog members only but how would I know the good guy from the bad?  

And would I tell my friend about the blog?  Not yet I don't think.  

I think it's enough I put it out there on the bus driver gossip line that Ron treated me like crap.  That's plenty to chew on this weekend.  

I need to take my shower.  

Done.  I can forget about my hair unless I am brushing it or washing it.  Then I feel very violated.  I had a fleeting thought it might have been the stalker but this was a young black guy in dreds definitely not the profile.  He was probably in diapers when she started harassing me.  I guess it'll get better.  

It reminds me how I felt looking at my bruises after Thug Boy tried to mug me 15 years ago.  

That's it for now; it looks like rain so I will bring my poncho.  

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