Monday, June 10, 2024

"Get off your feet!"

 Ron used to tell me that when we had the deli.  He was always encouraging me to sit down between customers because he worried about my feet.  

He always worried about my feet and encouraged me go get good shoes if at all possible.  When they were open, though, I could generally only afford a "Payless" type of shoe.  I never shopped at a Walmart until we moved to Houston.  

I did what I could - I think the cashiering jobs were the worst because it's standing in one place for hours on end, generally with minimal breaks.  Ron told me he used to go to the Lucky Supermarket near his apartment in the late 80's and a cashier would help him shop, it was the same young lady every time.  He sent her flowers but she had a boyfriend.  She was the one who told him about feet hurting.  

Ron had flat feet so he always had trouble with his feet hurting.  His feet were remarkably flat.  I used to give him foot rubs (which he loved) and I would just be in awe of the fact he had literally no arch at all.  He couldn't do foot rubs after the Bactrim in 2008 it bothered him.  But he sure loved them when I could.  

When I work I generally clock about 5-7 miles a day on my feet.  My shoes wear out pretty quick.  I wore a pair last week and they were bothering me.  I forgot which pair it was and wore them again Sunday and boy that was uncomfortable.  I could hear Ron yelling in my head.  I threw the shoes out when I got home.  I'll get some new shoes when I get paid again.  I get the Men's Athletic Works sneaker and put 2 insoles in them, they are pretty squishy and plush feeling after that.  I have the type of gait I don't need "motion control" - my feet don't roll enough, so just any shoe with good padding will work.  

My feet seem fine today, once I got up and started moving around.  I had some plantar issues about 10 years ago and it got really bad.  I was limping around all the time but Ron didn't know because he was in a wheelchair.  He would have felt the change in my gait if I had been walking him around.  This is nowhere near that bad.  

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