Tuesday, June 18, 2024

I got really badly burned with Ron

 So a huge part of me is very skittish and wants to run like hell at even the thought of romance.  

And then I wonder, when I die, who will find me?  How long will it take?  Do I want to die alone?  

Regardless of his intentions this guy does bring up these questions and I don't have a clear answer.  


Anonymous said...

You call your dad daily. If you missed a call I would hope he would call 911 for a wellness check, so you are good there. At least this bus driver can drive a car BUT if he doesn't have a car then don't bother. You need to trade up on the dating scene and that means someone with a car who drives.

Heather Knits said...

He has a Honda. He was off the clock and drove past me at a bus stop some time back, we chatted a minute.

Anonymous said...

if he was interested he would have offered you a ride or invited you for coffee or some other beverage

Heather Knits said...

Well I think he realizes I have issues/maybe not ready yet as he frequently asked me was I really over Ron.