Wednesday, June 19, 2024

I don't know whether I should laugh, cry, or scream

 So my commute has always been pretty awful, redeemed only by the fact I hand out 10 or so tracts a day.  

Every time someone has given me a ride it hasn't worked out a second time, they quit, get fired, etc.  My dear friend Betty told me flat out "You live the other direction" as did one of my bosses.  I didn't ask that boss she just offered but recanted when she heard I lived "that way".  

So, I love rides.  I covet them.  I am home 1 hour and 50 minutes sooner than if I take the bus, and I don't have to wait at the bus stop with The Defecator (who was there today btw).  

My Latina coworker is very sweet.  I try to treat everyone with respect and kindness and that includes her.  She caught me leaving one day and gave me a ride, her daughter picked her up and I told them how much I appreciated it and what my usual trip home looks like.  Rosa was horrified and gives me a ride at every chance now, including yesterday and today.  

I wonder if the bus driver is missing me.  If he thinks I bolted.  If he even cares.  

But if the sky is dark gray brooding heavy rain, the Defecator's at the bus stop, and I have 4 pounds of candy hanging off my arm, I'm going to get in when Rosa pulls up.  

I did give her a Snickers today.  

I do wonder what he is thinking, if he is at all.  

Edit: it began pouring about an hour ago.  The street is experiencing some mild flooding it would have been hideous walking home in that.  Glad I took the ride.  

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