Wednesday, June 19, 2024

One of my drivers said she had me off an on for years

 I thought that was interesting.  

Now my stepmom comes from a long line of firemen going back well over 100 years.  Her oldest didn't want to be a firefighter but his oldest son is.  Another grandson is a paramedic.  I think that is pretty cool.  

I know my grandmothers both graduated college so they would likely be disappointed in me, I don't know much about my grandfathers other than one died very young in WW2 and the other one, I believe, was in some kind of sales.  He died in his 40's from a heart attack.  

Anyway my stepmom was very conflicted on firemen.  On the one hand she said they were players who got up to no good on their days off; on the other she admired them and said they were really good cooks.

So 4 firemen walked in to the store the same time I did.  They were all in REALLY good shape, I would have to be blind not to notice.

I'm not blind.

Speaking of blind I got pretty soaked at the first bus stop.  The second bus was driven by a nice new driver, a very courtly older man who reminds me of former employee Orlando.  I like him, he is very sweet and always thrilled to get the candy.  

But he had the bus so cold I was freezing, and when I got off my glasses fogged up so much I couldn't see!  I was wishing for one of Ron's old white canes it was so bad!  

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