Saturday, June 22, 2024

I saw Cleo again

 She was her usual cuddly self.  

I don't think she's afraid of my fan but she is just being shy for some reason.  She reminds me a little of myself with the bus driver.  

When you see her she is happy to see you, warm and affectionate.  Then you don't see her for days.  When you see her again she is warm and cuddly.  

That would be me.  I think my work friend is off Monday so I can ride with him and at least explain why he isn't seeing me much.  That I am very happy to have him back.  

That's all I'll say.  

1.  I don't want to embarrass myself and 

2.  There is a whole bus load of people, some of them "not right", listening.  

What he does with that is up to him.  

Brutal headache today.  I have to do things I don't know what I'm going to do.  


Anonymous said...

You don't need to tell your "work" friend anything. It was months since you saw him. Leave it alone. Did you resend the bill to your dad for the laptop so he can pay it?

Heather Knits said...

Today seems to be trying really hard not to vomit. This is really an awful migraine.