Tuesday, June 18, 2024

My head is spinning

 Yesterday I had mostly new drivers.  The first 3 were pretty unremarkable, got me to work.  

I was waiting at that horribly filthy bus stop outside of work wondering who would get me at 4:20.  One things for sure it would be a new driver because no driver ever signs up for another ride on the crazy train.  

I was happy to see it approaching in a timely manner.  It stopped, opened the door, and I almost had a heart attack.  I grinned, pointed my finger at the driver, and began laughing.  

It is the guy from last year.  The little Asian dude did not want the route again and my guy bid on it, hoping he would get me again.  He told me this.  

We didn't talk much I am still trying to process this.


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