Thursday, June 20, 2024

When I wrote poetry

 I got some of my best ideas in the shower.

I also go over things endlessly in my head.  

Combine that, I was thinking about Mr Bus Driver and the fact up he has been trying to get back on my route.  

Then I had the thought: what if drivers are not allowed to date passengers?  

I know I can't date anyone in management which made things very easy regarding my feelings for one team lead (before I found out he is a binge drinker which killed it all right there).  

The question was really bothering me.  So, this morning, I asked one of my drivers "Is there a rule about you guys dating a passenger?". She asked me "What?" And I realized she might think I was into HER.  ACK!  

The last thing I need is that getting out: Candy Lady is a lesbian!  Nothing against them but no, not ever.  

So I told her, there is a male driver I like and I am wondering if he would get in trouble if we dated.  She sighed and said she didn't "think so".  She did ask "You are thinking about someone in particular?" And I said yes.

If they gossip half as much as I think it's all over the fleet by now.

I am not sure how I feel about it.  But I did it.  

It will probably get back to him that I asked and now the ball is in his court.  


Anonymous said...

You don't know ANYTHING about this bus driver you are now obsessing over. He may be a drinker and an buddhist for all you know. Seriously you really need to just stop. If he is interested in you he will ask for your number or you can ask him out (it is 2024). I never recommend dating a neighbor, coworker or yes even a bus driver on your route because if things go south he can effectively stalk and harass you. Just my two cents which I know you will ignore.

But we've been through this before with your obsession with Beau and that went nowhere too. If he likes you he will ask for your number or ask you out. If he is a game player like Beau he will just get off on being flirty and leave it at that.

Heather Knits said...

He's told me a lot. A for instance his Mom works at a Walmart.

He asks how my day went and cares about the answer. He is not flirty like Beau he is straightforward.

I was just curious to see COULD he ask me out or would he get fired.

Anonymous said...

You have no idea if he is a Christian?

Heather Knits said...

He is a seeker. He is asking good questions and says he reads what I give him.

Not saved yet as far as I know but remember we have 20 some people listening to our conversations right now.