Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Fairy tale poisoning

 My parents had a very limited bookshelf of approved books.  They had a childhood encyclopedia and a hardbound book of fairy tales.  

One fairy tale always stuck with me.  A boy was raised by forest spirits/creatures with magical powers.  He fell in love with a village girl and the spirits said she could have him if she could hold onto him for one minute.  She embraced him.  They turned him to fire, she held on.  They turned him to ice, she held on.  She got to keep him and they lived happily ever after.  

You can see how I might have gone into my marriage a little tainted by the story.  I truly thought Ron and I would overcome the odds and run away together, live happily ever after.  But he drank and he cheated and he didn't respect me to say the least.  

He got hurt and everyone he cared about turned their back on him.  But I"m there fighting for him now he will see my value, marry me, remain faithful and respectful.  It did not work out that way.  

My parents also took me to a lot of Disney movies growing up, and Dad used to encourage us to watch the Disney movie of the week on Sunday afternoon every week (if football wasn't on).  So I had all that as well.  

I still have that fairytale romantic mindset.  I'm guilty of that.  

I find it VERY appealing that a nice attentive man - who is not bad looking, either - would take a hellish bus route, signing on for a tour of six months, on the off chance he would get to take me home from work a few days a week.  

I am also impressed with his poise, you get a lot of nonsense on that bus and he has a great attitude, I have never seen him lose his temper or freak out in some pretty wild situations (delusional people screaming, etc.)

We will see.  

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