Thursday, June 20, 2024

Very Early Thursday

 So when I left the store yesterday my friend chased me down and gave me another ride.  First time it was the son driving, yesterday the daughter and today the husband.  They are a very cute/sweet family and they all seem delighted to help me out.  

The real clincher for my coworker was hearing what I have to endure to go home, not the Crazy Train, I can't really explain that in my very poor Spanish, but just I have to go all the way over there, and then that way, then catch another one and ride another 20 minutes, get off and walk half a mile home.  

I don't know what the bus driver is thinking if he even is at all.  

Tuesday I was wiped out, Mom and Dad said they would call but hadn't by 7:30, so I turned off the phone and went to bed.  So last night Dad told me why he didn't call.  

He had some sick friend issues, a well friend over, and then my primary abuser called and apparently he doesn't do that much and Dad didn't feel comfortable asking him to call back.  So he took that call, called me God Knows When and it went to voicemail.  

Maybe he thought I was mad?  I wasn't, and I told him that, but I did explain Monday -Thursday I have to get up at 3.  Once we got that settled he wanted to know about my day.  

I told him normally I have great customers but I had 3 turkeys all in 2 days that is a little rough, and my acting team lead had to pass on the complaints even though they are bogus.  So the "nice" team lead was angry about that because apparently her/my bonus go on the feedback the store gets and she is worried about that.  

That was unpleasant, but I hadn't seen anything yet.  

Dad wanted to talk about my finances.  

Side note, about a month ago he told me to buy myself a $170 Chromebook and he would pay me back, if I sent "them" a screenshot of the bill.  I did that.  He forgot.  I am stubborn and too proud to ask because I hate asking for money, I really do.  I had to take it a few months back but it was under extreme protest.  

I did not tell Dad, but I was short on my insurance payment because of this (I had enough in the account!!), and when I realized I had a tropical system in the gulf, the insurance was expiring THAT day, I put it on the credit card.  I told him I was "short about $100" but did not tell him WHY because I have my pride, damnit.  

I know it's stupid so you can save the flames.  

He was just really upset I had put it on the card, until I told him it was either that or look into the Walmart pay advance thing (payday loan I don't see how it's legal) and he shut up.  

I told him (and did) I would pay it off the second my payroll dropped, and I did this morning.  

Then he wanted to know how much the blood test was and what was going on with that.  I told him the insurance sent me a statement but the doctors office has not, what I saw with Ron's Medicare often you don't owe what the insurance says you might.  And, if I do, I will make payments.  I can't wreck my credit because the insurance rates go off that - my homeowner policies.  But I obviously can't crap out $500 and I am done asking for money.  

Lesson learned, that doctor is off the books!  

Then he wanted to talk to me about putting money in a savings account.  He was quite adamant I will be "fine" if I put $311 into "escrow" every pay period.  I tried to explain if I have a $900 insurance bill and $700 in back property taxes I have to deal with those first before I can worry about other things.  We went back and forth for a while on that (not ugly).  

The ironic thing I have $321 left after paying the bills (not the water that can wait until next pay period).  I know I need some more money on my bus card, I only have about $20 on that, and then I think I need $60 more for cab rides Friday and 2 rides next week (when I work nights).  

I am glad I went ahead and bought more candy yesterday, at work we have a decent 4 pound/$6 mix the recipients like.  It has some sour candy in addition to the sweet, and some blow pops which had one older man very happy.  I need to chase down some ziplocks though because I am out, at least in the Bible room.  

The cats are good.  I haven't been seeing much of Cleo but she is good and meowing at me when she does see me.  

It's not raining any more.  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

Just send your dad another email with the screenshot of the bill so he can pay it like he said he would. Geez.

Anonymous said...

Who cares what the bus driver thinks. It's been 6 months. If he wanted to see you that bad he knows what bus routes you take. Enjoy the generous rides from your friend and be happy she is there for you instead of obsessing about this stupid bus driver.

Anonymous said...

Regarding saving money. You could be putting away at least $100 to $150 a month if you weren't buying all that candy and other food and drinks you give to the drivers.

Heather Knits said...

I get the feeling my stepmom didn't approve and that's why she "forgot". I had sent her the screenshot.

Heather Knits said...

I've said it before he knows I am leery. I think he is being respectful. Also he works when I do.

Anonymous said...

"I get the feeling my stepmom didn't approve and that's why she "forgot". I had sent her the screenshot. " Who cares? Your dad said send him the bill and he will pay it. Send it again and tell him you sent it when you talk to him tonight. Geez if your dad goes before stepmom she is going to go right back to being the mega witch she was when you were a kid. Sad....

Anonymous said...

I don't see how 6.00 candy can turn into 100 or 150, even if she buys 2 bags a month.

Heather Knits said...

Well in all honesty the primary candy I hand out, one huge bag, is $19 each, and I go through one a week. Very occasionally I get the $6 one just for a change of pace. And it has lemon drops which I love.

Anonymous said...

Well, that certainly adds up. Is it more than 10% of your income?
It's kinda like a tithe, using it for the Lord's glory. I am assuming that's the reason for the candy?

Anonymous said...

If you spend $19 a week on a bag of candy, that ends up being nearly $1000 a year. And that doesn't include the waters and bananas and whatnot that you buy for specific people. I understand it means alot to you but consider cutting back.

Heather Knits said...

Yes, I put tracts/scripture booklets/sometimes New Testaments in the bags.

Very, very, rarely I will take the "Jesus" out and give an employee just the plain bag of candy, like the employee's husband who gave me the ride on Tuesday. I can get in trouble for handing out evangelism to employees so I don't do that so maybe 1-2 bags a month out of about 300 don't have Him. Generally if they give me a ride or if I have my bag with me on the front end and someone's obviously having a bad day.

It is definitely my tithe.

In full disclosure I do eat a piece or two of candy a day while waiting on the bus.