Saturday, June 29, 2024


 I was waiting outside the grocery store on a bench at the bus stop.  

One pet peeve I have about benches, if you are sitting leave room for someone else.  I did that.  She asked if she could sit down.  She was homeless with no shoes and a matted wig.  I said of course.  

I was drinking a cold (diet) soda from the store and she asked if I had another.  I said of course, gave it to her, offered her a bottle of water (I wasn't in the mood for the water), and gave her a bag of candy which she accepted and began eating.  

We chatted a little, she was mainly feeling me out to see if I'd give her money.  I did not.  I gave her my first name but declined to exchange phone numbers.  She liked the booklet and asked where she could get more, I told her.  

When the bus came she did not board.  

I am sure I will see her around.  

I have an interesting group of recipients, union member bus drivers, homeless, drug addicts, retail workers, etc.  

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