Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Lately I have felt like Houston is under God's judgement

 Epic floods, ongoing severe weather, transmission towers down on the ground like broken Lego...heat index over 100 every day....

"This is what it looks like when we tell you we can do it on our own" - Theocracy "As the World Bleeds"  


Anonymous said...

We are no longer under God's judgement with the New Testament and Jesus' sacrifice. This is not biblical nor is it accurate. Please study theology before you make up stuff. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

The Southern and Midwest states seem to be suffering alot more natural disasters than the PNW recently. Does that mean God is displeased with red states policies more than blue states? No of course it doesn't. So why would national businesses showing support for LBGTQ people cause big storms or other national disasters in Texas? It's not a logical argument. By the way, I'm one of the non-believers you say you are so worried about - well I'm not a big fan of a God who cares about sexual orientation, for one thing. If you find this too offensive to post, fine - I'm a long time follower who thinks you're better than this.

Heather Knits said...

I will refer you to the book of Revelation and the bowls of wrath, etc literally poured out on the Earth.