Tuesday, June 11, 2024

"Get in!"

 I was tired as I left work.  I was exhausted.  Then it began to rain.  

When I saw the Defecator at the bus stop, raving nonsense, shirtless, with his shopping cart full of trash pulled completely under the bus shelter (leaving no room for me), I almost cried.  

I stood there on the other side of the street getting up my resolve to cross and deal with probably the most dangerous person I encounter in my daily travels.  

When I heard someone calling my name.  I looked around.  A lady from work had her head out the window of a car, beckoning me.  "Heather, get in!"  

She did not have to ask me twice!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love when God gives us unexpected blessings at just the right time where you know it has to be from Him