Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Mr B

 My brother met Mr B in elementary school and brought him home.  Mr B was an elderly Jewish man, a WW2 veteran who lost his fiance while fighting overseas.  He never remarried but he loved kids.  

He would hang out around the elementary school, talk to us, give us Starburst candy.  We all adored him and he was never inappropriate.  One of my classmates mother's had him banned, though, convinced he was a pervert.  

He never touched me, but I would (on my own, Mom says), hug him, kiss him, get in his lap.  I didn't have a grandfather both of mine had died, so he got all that affection.

Mom talked to him and he would come by the house, pick up the 3 younger kids (the oldest didn't like him) and take us to 7-11 where he would buy us each a slurpee and a candy selection of our choice.  I preferred chocolate.  

We only had one problem, the red dye in the cherry slurpees made me hyper so I was only allowed to get the Coke flavor 

But it was good times with a very sweet old man who loved the hugs I gave him.  I loved him.

Possible trigger: 

We had 2 regulars today on the bus.  The man who wears the vocational college T-shirt, who was touching himself on the bus yesterday, and a young mom with 3 boys and a girl.  The oldest is a boy about 10, another boy, a 3-4 year old girl, and a toddler boy.  

The pervert kept paying attention to the little girl, giving her candy.  He did not give the boys candy.  

Mr B did not do that.  He treated all children equally.  

I had a very bad hit but the mother was permitting it.  I have learned I can't meddle in some things.  If I do see the Mom without that guy around I will warn her.  

Not every man on the bus is a nice guy.  

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