Saturday, June 22, 2024

Some thoughts

 I had a hard time today with the migraine; the weight of things I need to do as well.  The house is a mess, I have a pile of laundry, literally all I did is feed and love on the cats.  

But I had some time to think.  I am pretty sure - I will call her Maria - my work friend is off Monday so I will ride the bus.  His bus.  

And I am just going to enjoy spending time with him and let him set the pace.  If there's anything we will see.  If there isn't he is just a nice man to spend time with.  

I will say it impressed the HELL out of Dad that someone would sign up for another tour on that bus.  To, as stated, spend more time with me.  

That is significant and I need to let him know that doesn't scare me.  As far as he saw I disappeared after that, I have to tell him about Maria.  


Anonymous said...

Did you ask dad to pay for your laptop?

Anonymous said...

More obsession over a man....dude - get a grip.

Heather Knits said...

That was the whole point of the post, I'm going to tell him if he doesn't see me a nice lady at work is giving me rides, not to worry.

Depending on his reaction I may tell him I actually told her I was OK riding the bus.

I was sure wishing I had a nice person to bring me a lemon pie today. :(

Anonymous said...

Really you are going to give up rides to ride the bus just to see this guy who may or may not have interested in you? Girl get your priorities in order. No man is worth a 2 hour commute by bus.

Anonymous said...

Honest question, have you also been diagnosed with your mental abilities below your actual age in years? Or, is it because of your limited experience with men and/or your lack of social awareness and skills that affect the way you perceive reality?

Anonymous said...

"Depending on his reaction I may tell him I actually told her I was OK riding the bus. " So now your OK riding the bus because of this MAN? Give me a break. You get an opportunity to have a ride home that takes no time at all but you want to ride the bus because of this guy? Yeah, whatever.

And you said you would stock pile lemon pies in your freezer so you have them, but you didn't.