Sunday, June 23, 2024

Comments are going away for a while.

 I have been followed/harassed/stalked from one forum to another for I believe up to 15 years now.  This person has had a voice in my comments, but, due to threats and overall abuse, I'm revoking that.  

I am sorry that means the nice guys don't get a voice but I need to protect myself.  

I can only conclude the fact that I have some sort of prospect in my love life has got this person apoplectic.  I don't know what's going to happen with my personal life/ if I see him tomorrow I will let him know he matters to me and he can take if from there, if he wants.  

Since my stalker has also admitted she is actively following me on Facebook I will not be active there, either.  

I plan to keep blogging but comments will be off.  

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