Friday, June 28, 2024

The Bible says to speak the truth in love

 So I will endeavor to do that.  

First I need to explain something about the bus driver, who I'll call Buddy, and I.  

Last year he made it clear he was interested, even making a point of telling me "*I* live in such and such an area"  another time, after he lost the bid in January, he saw me at the bus stop on his day off.  He asked me my schedule and I waffled, and I'm still kicking myself.  He made it very clear he was interested.  

But I'm still coming to terms with the fact I had an ACTUAL marriage from hell!  So I have pushed him away, he has accepted it and been very respectful.

Of course I am not good at hiding my feelings so he saw my absolute delight at seeing him again.

I have been exploring all this as my only adult relationship was not healthy.  

My aunt reads the blog and sent me a message about being "forward".  

I put up the red light before; he needs to know it is green.  That is my thinking.  

Moving on.  She was also upset I am saying my marriage wasn't right.  Well, it wasn't.  My thinking of Ron didn't want me to call him a wife beater he shouldn't have hit me, verbally abused me, locked me out in my nightgown in a bad neighborhood, choked me, financially abused me, hacked away at my faith, etc.  I have not shared this but on a couple of occasions he also threatened to kill my cat.

Not a nice man.  I don't have a problem letting it be known.  If it gets back to Buddy (likely those drivers like to talk) hopefully it will explain a few things.

So we will see.  

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