Thursday, June 27, 2024

He definitely cut my hair

 I could tell, washing it and brushing it, this morning.  I don't think it's really sunk in yet.  

I would report this to Metro PD except I don't know the exact time it happened so all I can say is some black guy with dreads (half the bus) was bothering me, cut off the end of my ponytail, and got off.  They can't really ACT on that so what's the point?  

I already knew it was the Crazy Train, and no this will not dissuade me from riding.  

It has taken me years to realize Ron never loved me.  He loved me as much as he could but it was warped and stunted.  He told me for over a decade if I made him choose between him and alcohol he would choose the vodka.  That does a number on someone.  

So getting harassed/assaulted doesn't scare me, not really.  What scares me is possibly losing out on something God has for me.  Of living my life alone when I don't have to, when He has a perfectly wonderful man for me (possibly).  I have to explore that even if it comes with a price tag.  

I will say the little punk made a nice clean cut it is at least even.  

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