Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Some more thoughts, on my lunch

 I was telling one of my coworkers about my friend coming back and she said "Heather, that is so funny.  Just yesterday you said you were going to wait for God to bring you the right guy."

I did say that.

That said, plenty in my life could/would be a deal killer for a lot of guys so we will see.  

I am impressed he signed up for a route so bad one of the drivers is taking a mental health leave of absence from, not once but twice to get another crack at me.  

Work is going OK the rain is supposed to start around 7 so I should be home by then.  


Anonymous said...

uh oh you're fantasizing again. This guy knew where to find you if he was interested in knowing more about you off the bus. How many months has it been, he certainly had enough time.

Anonymous said...

"uh oh you're fantasizing again. This guy knew where to find you if he was interested in knowing more about you off the bus. How many months has it been, he certainly had enough time."


Heather Knits said...

He wanted my route again back in January but he lost it to someone else. But the minute he could bid again he did. So that's twice he requested my route since we met.

I have been ambivalent and he's smart enough to pick up on that.