Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Homeless woman in the bathroom

 The stench was horrific.  Ass, funk, bowels, and a powerful whallop of BO have me thinking I need to get that last Hep B vaccine.  I am already queasy and came very close to vomiting.  

The worst part, she did not wash her hands when she came out.  

Ugh.  I hope the rest of the day goes better.  Severe storms are about 45 minutes away but should be done by the time I clock out.  


Anonymous said...

Why don't you use the employee bathroom in the break room?

Anonymous said...

And that's why I always wash my hands when I get home from the store.
You and your vaccines, lol. I wouldn't, especially with everything coming out about the covid vax.
My daughters boss just had 2 major strokes and 2 small ones. He's in this 30's, on a liquid diet until he can learn how to swallow. I have the article about the vax causing strokes if you're interested.

Heather Knits said...

We don't have an employee bathroom.