Sunday, June 16, 2024

I knew cats were awesome; but mine are more than most.

 Sometimes with people in my life I have to decide what I'm going to share and what would be wrong to share.  

Example: I feel OK saying my aunt has migraines and that the monthly shot help her a lot.  I wouldn't feel OK sharing what she told me about some of her triggers.  

I  can say I think a lot of people I know have a drinking problem but I'm not going to name them.  Except Ron; the fact he was beating me black and blue and having blackouts every night were kind of a HINT he had an issue anyway.  

I overshare, no way around that.  A lot of that is my disability.  I'm just a big puppy.  With rare exception I love everyone I meet and that has gotten me in trouble more than once, trusting someone I shouldn't.  Like my husband.  

I have learned, through hard experience, to put my bag next to me when I sit on the bus or I may have someone putting their hand on my leg while baby talking me.  Someone I don't know.  You never saw me jump up so fast!  

I don't think my family really get the scope on that - my deficits.  I am very, very, good at hiding.  Even when I talk about issues I think they put it through their normal filter.  

My brother put "School of Hard Knocks" under his education on Facebook.   I guess that's where I am.  

I have also concluded I have normal cats, after all.  

I will explain.  I was taking care of Ron for a long time, trying to hold things together.  I wasn't always there for the cats.  Cats have emotional needs just like people, and I still worry I am not meeting Spotty's needs.  

And somewhere between the blackouts, Ron falling getting out of the bathtub and cracking his head, him falling out of bed, his wheelchair, etc.  The endless progression of diapers and all my battles trying to get him to have a bowel movement.  The seizures - the cats said to themselves "Heather has enough on her plate, we're not going to use the litter box.  We're going to go outside instead even if we don't like it".  

And, sometime last week, they decided, "We're going to use the litter box again" (I have 4) So the last hour has been a rabbit hole of cleaning and dumping boxes, filling them.  

I really didn't think about it but I guess they were going easy on me the whole time.  Interesting.  

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