Sunday, June 30, 2024

I have made my own cell phone holders for years now

 They're a single crochet pouch with a strap on either side that goes around my neck.  I had a black and white one for a very long time and then I made a gray one that was getting rather ratty before the strap broke on me a week or so ago.  

I had another it was a lurid orange on one side, a purple on the other.  I have been wearing it as I have nothing else but I find it embarrassing.  And I still get lovely smiles and attention even wearing that.  

Worst of all, at work, it hangs down between my legs like a scrotum when I am stocking or zoning I find it mortifying.  The strap's just too long.  I didn't think it would stretch so much.  But I don't have another option so I had to wear it.  

I was sick last weekend (curse you, Jamaican beef patty!) so I couldn't make one my Sunday was a frenzied rush of chores and shopping.  

So I am making a new one, today.  

I'll put up some photos when I'm done.  

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