Wednesday, June 26, 2024

So today's driver was not my Monday and Tuesday guy

 He was fine though.  The Wednesday driver is always late for some reason.

Sitting on the bus looking out the window a young man behind me asks for the time.  I told him.  A little later he's demanding my attention yelling "Ma'am, ma'am". 

I said "I don't want to talk".  Something was pulling my hair so I shifted.  I'm not saying it was him but I had to yank my ponytail free.  

He got off at the next stop.  I didn't have any more trouble with my hair.  I couldn't find anything it would have gotten caught on, either.  

So I will be putting it up on the bus from now on.  

Edit, I examined my ponytail when I got off the bus and it is about 3 inches shorter.  

I will be putting my hair up when I ride the bus, now.  

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