Sunday, June 2, 2024

I slept awful

 And woke up with a hideous depression.  Bad enough I took a mega-B complex vitamin.  I don't do those normally and I hate the taste I get in my mouth after I take them but occasionally they do mitigate depression.  

Off to do my God Time.


Anonymous said...

Why do you take stuff that gives you issues? Same with the cup of noodles with the shellfish when you are allergic to shell fish.

Heather Knits said...

Well I feel significantly better after the B vitamin.

The cup of noodles was chicken, but had an allergy warning on the back. "If you have allergies this might contain: (various allergens including my bane, crustacean)" I thought it was a little excessive kind of like McDonald's has the big sign up if you have food allergens don't eat here now.

I also zone (arrange) 2 rows in grocery every day, part of that involves touching the packages of nuts (almonds, peanuts, trail mix). I am allergic to almonds as well but my understanding I will only have a problem if I EAT them. I'm not eating any kind of nut. Peanuts are also a migraine trigger. I guess it is possible that triggered the hive (only one LOL) on my right hand if I touched the oils.

I could cite the allergy and ask for another assignment but I actually like those rows.

Anonymous said...

Allergies are serious business and those labels are there for a reason. If you had a severe nut allergy you could not even handle the packaging but I don't think you have it so serious you can't face bags of nuts down an aisle.

Heather Knits said...

I seem to have the kind of food allergies I can't eat them but I can touch the packaging. I am very allergic to crab, though, I got hives all over both legs once when I ate a small package of fake crab. After I got sick I took the package out of the trash and the label said they MIGHT have a small amount of real crab.

When Mom and Dad came to visit I said I wouldn't eat at a seafood restaurant due to cross contamination - they fried the crab in the same oil they used for all the other fish, and I knew that would be a problem.

Anonymous said...

I do breakfast and lunch prep for mcD. I'm always thinking about allergies, wiping the egg from the prep table before bringing out the burger condiments. I never have thought to change gloves though.