Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Wednesday night

 So I paid for my premium membership with the Carb Manager program.  I feel good about doing that they have helped me and I have helped them talking about it and paying them.  

Dad is working out again so I got on the exercise bike today.  That can only help.  I will aim for 3x a week right now, half an hour each.  I can definitely do that.  I worry about Dad and would love it if he did the same.  

He is smart enough to realize he needs to preserve his mobility which is #1.  Ron wasn't good at seeing that.  He would set the bar too high exercising, fail, and give up.  If he had just done 10 minutes at an easy pace on the stationary bike a few times a week he would have really benefited but he wouldn't hear me say it.  

There are so many subjects, the drinking, working out, healthy food intake, taking supplements, etc. he could have benefited from medical advice, he wouldn't listen to me but if a medical person had told him he would have done it.  But only one doctor really tried with him, Ron kept blowing him off, and the doctor blew up at him one day and said "I'm trying to keep you alive!" "Why bother?"  I felt really bad for the doctor.  But he tried.  

And so did I Ron had just given up a long time ago.  But I can take care of myself now.  I know what I need to do.  

If I can swing it I am curious to see what my blood count numbers are this year vs. last year.  I am taking much better care of myself.  Hopefully my triglycerides are down those were a little worrisome over 200.  I have a huge risk of heart attack: mother dead of it, Dad almost died, grandfather died, ate all the same food as my husband who died...I need to be smart.  I don't want to get stroked out and end up in some facility with a stranger bathing me.  I like taking care of myself and the cats.  

Speaking of Spotty was super cute.  He has taken over Ron's room, hangs out under the bed, and comes out for pets at every opportunity.  There is an orange cat group on Facebook.  They talk about orange cats being more dog-like and very affectionate, but not very bright.  Most of that is true for Spotty (I think he is plenty smart).  

Time to call my parents.   

All done and I had tuna for dinner.  Total carbs for the day was 35.  I allow myself 100 but I just didn't feel like eating it.  

I have been pretty vehement in saying I did not want a keto diet and keto diet adherents are fanatics but looking up my macros (carbs/fat/protein) I am eating keto.  I find that funny.  I just feel better overall eating this way.  

I do eat a lot of tuna, though. That's it for now, likely going to bed early.  


Anonymous said...

Are you worried about the mercury eating too much tuna? I think they say only once a week on tuna because of that.

Heather Knits said...

I think that's just for pregnant women they tend to take an abundance of caution with them.

At any rate I think it is a lot worse for me to be fat.