Wednesday, July 20, 2022

I made Dad really happy tonight

Going to get a little deep theologically for a minute but feel free to skip.

So I was raised a Presbyterian, a confirmed member of the Presbyterian church.  But I have only attended Presbyterian services as a guest, as an adult.  But I do prefer them to all the clapping and hands waving in the air churches out there, they make me a little uncomfortable.  I just haven't found a good local Presbyterian church.  There is one but it is "woke" with some things I don't agree with.  

I am very conservative spiritually.  Very.  

So in my Bible study every day I see a lot about adults who become Christians becoming baptized.  I was baptized as an infant.  I was told during my confirmation (my church did it freshman year of High School) that Presbyterians (boy hard typing that out so many times) said you didn't have to have an adult baptism if you had one as an infant.  

Now adays they are not doing the infant baptizing anymore, it is a "dedication" and the Baby is prayed over.  They see it as only a adult or person of the age of accountability, can make the choice to be saved.  

But I have felt it is something I should do.  Anyway I can't really do it in Houston, 1.  Can't find a good church and 2.  No family here.  That is something my Dad would want to watch.  So I had the thought why not see if Dad's (Presbyterian) church could do it for me?  I asked my aunt and she thought it was a good idea, so I brought it up with my Dad.  He was thrilled and will "get right on it".  

Now I just need to get that time off request approved, should be another week or so if they are going to do it.  

That's it for now, going to bed.  


Anonymous said...

I was raised Christian Reformed and told my dad I was going to get baptized at my "Bible" church. He told me I was baptized as a child.
I didn't argue with him but I know your parents can't make that decision for you. You have to choose to be saved.

Anonymous said...

Adding this comment for readers who think baptism saves you.
That's "works" of the flesh. All those who call on the name of the Lord "will be" saved.
You can be baptized without a heart change and all that makes you is a wet sinner.

Heather Knits said...

Yeah Dad said the church would be grilling me which is fine. Hopefully they will not be the mental illness = sinner philosophy of the church I had here in Houston.

Anonymous said...

Jeez who cares? The church will be grilling you LOL.

Anonymous said...

We're all sinners, even after salvation the sin nature doesn't go away.

Anonymous said...

Religion is wracked. I'm sorry Heather I know you rely on it for every move you make but, that doesn't make sense to me. Especially being so-called saved. It's your crutch so go for it doesn't hurt anyone.

Heather Knits said...

Oh I can't stand religion. That is why I don't have a church. Faith, yes... pray and read my Bible, hand out my little booklets, pray some more, ask God to lead me every day. But putting God in a box and only taking Him out a few times a week, if that, condemning me for trying to take care of Ron the best I could, etc...not a fan of religion.

Don't forget it was religion called me a drug addict and a sinner, during church, complete with finger pointing during sermon, more than once...because I take my bipolar medication none of which is addictive or gets me high....he would not have said the same about Ron's seizure medication or a headache pill.

Some churches are GREAT. Many are not. Which is why I practice my faith at home, and that is really sad.

Anonymous said...

ALL who call on the name of the Lord WILL BE saved.
Mocking someone's faith is being a bully. But, Jesus endured the cross for the wicked to save them from hell.
Nothing you or I have didn't come from God.

Anonymous said...

And yet you are doing the church ritual of baptism.

Heather Knits said...

Baptism is mandated for believers, in the Bible. I am reading that again and again in my studies and feel compelled to do it.

If I can reassure Dad about my faith much the better.

Ron once had me baptize him in the sink, I poured water over his head and prayed over him. He wanted it done but did not want a church involved. I could do something similar but it will mean a lot to Dad.

Anonymous said...

Acts 2:38