Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Tuesday morning

I had two, empty, containers in the garage that hold 7 gallons of water each.  I had figured I "didn't need them".  I will be filling them today and looking for some more.  I also need some 5 gallon buckets.  I just have the kind of setup where plumbing problems happen, praise God it has all been fresh water issues.  

The plumber also said that there was a differential between the line to my house and the line from the water meter (not a straight line it jogs) so that also puts stress on the line.  So he did a more gradual slope with the copper.  

Funny all the water for the house comes through that little pipe, and it's always plenty.  At least for just me.  Ron wasn't using plumbing much the last year of his life unless you count me washing my hands after tending him.  

So: very grateful it is fixed.  Very grateful God sent a good national company who has done good work for me in the past.  They gave me a discount btw did not ask but they did.  I will have to edit my review.  Going to do that now.  Did that, just edited my former review which was also glowing.  

Really happy about that.  

Now onto petty "flesh" stuff.  Bible says mortify those lesser emotions: flesh, etc.  And I would be curious to get your take on this.  

My sister in law is always going on adventures with my stepbrother, posting all these "look how much fun we had" things, they just did an Alaskan cruise "We did this, we did that" well good for them but I can't help but feel a little envious as I never got to do anything like that with Ron when he was alive.  They have also been married for decades and I am a widow.  Does that make me a small, weak, person for wishing she wouldn't be so effusive?  Wishing I had that kind of long lasting marriage with lots of adventures vs. the life I had?  I don't think it reflects well on my Christian walk to admit this.  

But a long time ago I resolved to be honest in the blog even if, especially if, it made me look bad because you want me to be real.  And I  doubt anyone would want to read a sanitized account of my life.  Sometimes SIL does put up photos of my Dad so I may not ignore her or whatever it is on Facebook.  

And I was guilty of this when Ron was alive: it's our anniversary, we went out to dinner, etc.  I never thought how it might feel for someone who won't have any more anniversaries.  Now of course I do and I'm over a year out.  

Just thinking.  I'm going to make some tea.  

I'll be back later... that's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

Facebook should be renamed Brag book. Talk about "lovers of themselves". I don't have Facebook but I was able to stalk an account because they left it open. This person, my ex husband's wife had all pictures of her, 2 pics of him and a few dogs but mostly all about her.

Heather Knits said...

Yeah, one thing I have realized the last year how many people are walking around in PAIN every minute of the day. How to deal with that? I am not sure yet.

When in doubt I talk about the cats. They are definitely neutral ground. And anyone can get a cat.