Monday, July 25, 2022

Monday morning

I slept pretty well last night, no regrets about going to work on time.  My parents had done a pretty good job of balancing me and my stepbrother but he is leaving today, I believe, so all their focus is on him.  They don't see him very often so I get it.  

I started my cycle which means I should start losing weight again, I was 201 this morning.  I plan to eat clean the next couple weeks and see where that takes me.  

Today is my Friday night so I just have to get through it and off for 2 days.  In a couple weeks I work until 5PM the two nights I usually work late.  A coworker thought I would actually trade my "good" day shift for her "bad" night shift.  She had another thing coming.  She is a dabbler.  Her husband supports her.  If you don't want to work nights change your availability.  But don't try to take my shift.  If I work that late I  need to pay for a ride home and I am trying to save money. If I work until 5 PM I can take the bus.  

And the nice thing about that if I work those hours that means all new bus drivers to evangelize.  I am always up for that.  Speaking of they did not have the "Mega Brands" candy mix at work I don't know what I am going to do for candy now.  I will check again today maybe they got some overnight.  They did have the basic hard wrapped candy I can always do that.  

I remember it used to get me so mad other passengers on Metrolift would be "Gimmie candy" every time they saw me wouldn't even say please, just "Gimme".  It was very disheartening.  Now if I get a regular driver they will stick their hand out when I get on the bus because they know I'm going to make with the candy, I am fine with that as long as I have the candy.  

I need to take my shower...

 That's done, did my Bible study too.  I am frustrated due to my lack of candy but my Bible study is encouraging me to "use my gift" and "keep people out of hell" regardless so I guess I will just hand out an extra portion of my average candy today.  

I decided to skip the tuna I had planned for my work snack and will have something else instead.  I am OK eating a donut now and then as long as I'm not eating anything else with it.  

I will be taking gloves for the bus today.  I am completely disgusted by 1.  Ongoing nose pickers (different people, all races) who pick the nose on the bus and wipe the nose picking finger all over the hand rails and "push for stop" button.  I have to touch those surfaces This was ongoing even during the mask period, they would pull the mask down, dig around, wipe "harvest" on any available public surface.  2.  Homeless guy bleeding on but the other day all over public surfaces (he had been picking at scabs and was rubbing the blood all over his hand and then grabbing things).  I don't want to get hepatitis or worse.  So gloves for me.  I won't be the only one doing it.  I would rather look like a germ freak than catch something.  And if the bus drivers are going to allow this I have to be proactive.  

Oh and I need to go.  

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