Thursday, July 21, 2022

Thursday morning

The devil just wants me wracked with anxiety.  I am OK now with the fact the plumbing broke...starting to relax a little and think I can depend on it again.  

Now the devil wants to have me anxious about work.  Friday night I was assigned several different tasks, I tried to do all of them and according to management I did them badly, so I have to "step up" they said.  I am wondering how many tasks I will be assigned tonight.  If I will be able to do them well.  So some anxiety on that.  

Also where is my cycle?  Late again.  I am not "active" so that's out but it is unsettling I don't know what to expect.  I have to proceed as though I am about to start at any given moment.  I have some slightly baggier jeans I am wearing to that end, they have bigger pockets to handle my supplies.  

Money: this week took a lot of it.  That's about all I need to say on that.  Not just the expense of the plumbing but yesterday going to and from work to get supplies I can use for the next disaster.  I was also overcharged yesterday and I will have to talk to customer service about that.  

I have to turn it all over to God or this will all eat me alive.  I did make my dinner for tonight I just need to remember to bring it.  I plan to have a hamburger for lunch.  I am OK timewise so I can blog a little.  Of course none of this will matter next week or if I get Raptured today but it is a lot at times.  

I slept very badly last night because I bought a six pack of diet Dew and drank the whole thing yesterday.  Completely my fault.  The cats were great though.  

I need to poison around my house (for bugs) and then give it a day or two and then I think I can move back into my bed.  I had planned to do it on my day off but it didn't work out.  But Ron's bed is working out OK.  It's just smaller than I am used to.  It's a twin.  

I am at least caught up on dishes and laundry which is great.  I didn't do any cooking on my time off because I need water for hand washing and dishes.  And yesterday I was so wrung out I didn't want to do anything except get the bottled water, etc.  I will figure it out.  

So if you pray I can use prayer for the repairs to stick and also for help with the anxiety today.  The anxiety is also probably an offshoot of the indulgence yesterday, caffeine and aspartame are terrible for provoking anxiety in me.  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

Your boss needs to be specific and not vague about what you did badly.
It's possible she's a bad boss.
How can you change what you don't know about?

Anonymous said...

Walmart aka the Chinese warehouse isn't the only employer.
If one door shuts, God will open another.

Heather Knits said...

I just felt it wasn't realistic to ask me to do all of it. I had focused on something that would have been a hazard to the customers but they didn't appreciate that. But they (2 of them sat me down in the back office) said they had talked to EVERYONE in my department so I don't feel too singled out.

I just hope they have realistic expectations tonight.