Monday, July 18, 2022

I slept OK considering

I feel my water preps were really inadequate for something like that.  I should have had some no rinse body bath, I should have had more water in barrels/buckets ready to go.  I should have had more cases of water.  But I am making do.  

One thing that's never addressed is the toilet issue.  I found with the old toilet you could just pee indefinitely and when it gets above a certain point it goes down the drain.  But solids!  Well I got that during my toilet problem a few months ago.  I have pine pellet kitty litter, 8 gallon drawstring bags, and a 5 gallon bucket.  

I have had to make a couple calls to the company I think I fell between the cracks, but one lady is working on it right now.  I am glad I thought to tell her I had my water cut off she took that very seriously.  She strikes me as a git er done type lady, what my friend Ted would call "A Strong Black Woman".  No nonsense gets it done.  

I cannot believe how surreal my life has become just in a few hours.  I had a whole plan for the time off and now that is out the window.  Not that I am complaining.  For some reason the damn pipe just breaks at the meter every 10 years or so.  It has been 11 since the last break.  Here it is: won't let me put up a link so you will have to cut and paste.  It's mainly a photo of my cat exploring the hole dug to fix the pipe last time.

So I guess I just budget for that, like I budget for new shower fixtures in about 8 years.  I hope it is cheap but figure this will probably set me back around a thousand dollars.  We will see.  Maybe, now that the water is drained, they can take a look...

He came.  $2,500.  Thank God I have it (Ron's bank account I got a year after he died).  Best news of all it will be fixed today so I get the rest of my days off.  

What a couple of days.  Should be here @3.  


Anonymous said...

That is one expensive repair. I am glad you had the money to fix it. You are very wise to have a fund to save up for the unexpected costs of home ownership. It's good to have to have the money but it hurts like hell to have to give up that substantial nest egg.

Anonymous said...

Praying for a quick, successful repair.

Heather Knits said...

Water is back! Don't take it for granted!

Yes I figure I have an old roof, old water heater, $2K deductible on insurance so something is going to go... one reason I have not spent what Ron left me except for new glasses and home repairs.

So far so good! I have a year warranty so happy about that.