Wednesday, July 6, 2022

The Ant Man

Ron and I have been plagued by intermittent ant problems.  Everywhere we lived, except the second floor apartment (neighbor had pet mice that escaped into my apartment), and the third floor apartment (wasp issues, and roaches).  You just have various problems living places.  I think the worst apartment issue was the leaking pipe above my bathtub ceiling, leaked and created massive mold issues for years... and it was the San Francisco Bay Area and we literally could not afford anything else so just lived with the mold.  I did feel a lot healthier once we moved out of there, but we were there 7 years.  I should have taken a photo you would not believe it.  

Anyway our first place together we had ants in the basket of dirty laundry they would get into it and into my "kitchen" (being generous, it was a sink, small counter, and decrepit fridge).  Ron got really frustrated.  Back in the day I used to go to the library and research how to deal with issues.  I read a lot of books on cats, for instance.  So I read about home pest problems and the books said to spray Diazanon on the trails.  So Ron and I went to the hardware store (Orchard Supply Hardware) and bought a tank style sprayer with straps he could wear on his back.  It held a couple of gallons and had a wand sprayer.  

I read the label on the poison and it was some pretty nasty stuff, we didn't want to put it in one of our food containers, so I got a styrofoam cup.  And I did the pour and it ate through the cup.  Undaunted we found something else to measure and mix (I forget) got it in the tank, added water and we went on patrol.  Ron held onto my arm and I would point the wand at the ants and he would spray, we went all over the neighborhood.  We did this every couple days until all the ants were gone.  

Years later Ron and I walked into a shop and the owner goes "Oh!  It's the Ant Man!  I wondered what happened to you!"  He lived in the apartments across from us.  Ron was pretty embarrassed.  

So I have fireants in the house.  I have tried, in vain, to track them outside.  If I had a nest I would put my bait and that would be it (what I usually do).  I made up my ant bait for the house because I need something for them to take back to the next.  And borax is used on some plants as a fertilizer and also for cleaning.  It's about as safe as I can get.  I plan to buy a commercial bait.  I did use some spray on the threshold of Ron's room, where I keep the candy.  I worry about that.   A couple people have said they are looking for water and I do have some in the bathroom so that makes sense.  Maybe we will get some rain and they will leave me alone.  

I also need to get that soaker hose.  I will look at work on Monday before I come home and then if we have something I can just bring it home.  I also need some loppers.  I have to trim the ash tree out front.  I like it hanging down but apparently the HOA does not.  Hate to see what they would do to a willow, if I had one.  

Tomorrow at work I need to run by the ATM, McDonald's (thank you), and the fitting room to see if they have some shorts that fit.  I did find one very old pair of denim shorts that work and are decent (modest).  I also need to get tuna and some other items.  

If I can find a pair of shorts that work (they are $6) I will also get one in a smaller size so I have something as I lose more (cream puff binge nonwithstanding).   

I will try to jam everything into my tote bag tomorrow we will see what I feel will fit.  

I talked to my Dad he sounds pretty ragged; adoptive Mom says she is feeling run down and thinks she may have it too.  They said "the line came right up" same phrase my aunt and uncle used, when they did the COVID test.  They are pretty busy socially so hard to say where he picked it up.  

If you pray I would take it!  Hard enough to lose: Ron; my job; two cats; aunt and uncle moved, then sick with COVID all in one year.  Now Dad and maybe adoptive Mom sick too.  That is rough.  

I put my faith in God and the good news if I do lose anyone they are all saved so I know where they are going.  God is showing me more and more I cannot do anything on my own outside of Him.  That's it for now.  

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