Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Really getting sick of this depression

But today I need to do things if I am going to work this week.  So I will be getting out to it.  

The ants got in my bed last night, I found a trailing bedspread on the floor they decided to use as a ladder, apparently.  I made up some of my homemade borax ant killer we will see if that does the trick.  I use 1 T each borax and table sugar.  There was some interest in it last I checked.  I couldn't find a mound outside so that is a good compromise with not spending money.  

I woke up in the middle of the night for about an hour, went back to bed, and woke up just now around 8.  I need to take a shower, do my God Time, get dressed, and do up my candy for the drivers and cashier.  Get my bags together (cold bag and regular tote), then leave the house for the store.  It takes a while to get to the store because I get on the bus on my side of the street and ride down to a light to cross vs. just running out in the street outside my subdivision.  I used to be a lot bolder but not since Ron died.  Every time I look at the street I see Ron after the accident.  

Yes, I have some PTSD but I don't see an easy way to "fix" that.  It does make sense to cross at the light even though it takes more time.  They drive crazy on that street.  At any rate getting home is pretty easy.

The only real problem I had the mailman stopped and was lecturing me that I "could" run across the street that it is "easy and safe" to do so but I didn't see him get out of his truck and do it.  He has a federal vehicle no one wants to hit.  I am just a pedestrian.    

Ideally I would go to the store early but that is not happening today.  The store is generally OK but always insane in the produce section for some reason, a bunch of unhealthy-looking overweight people fighting over corn and fruit. 

Dad bought me a folding grocery cart and would love to hear that I'm taking it but it doesn't fit in the store's shopping cart and is very difficult to lug along behind me so I just take the totes.  I am still around 201 today which is good.  

Somehow I have to get up the energy to do everything, going to pray on that, so I will be set for food during the upcoming week.  I also need to finish the dishes (rinse and soak in sanitizer), pay the electric bill, etc. today as well.  My phone is doing an update right now.  Good timing better on my day off than at work.  It will be interesting to see if it logs me out of the app.  

I made $580 which is nice as I only needed 6 rides so I keep more of it, but my electric bill was about double last month's (and I don't keep it cold in here) so it's going there.  But it is good to know I get to keep more takehome working these hours, and they have me down for them the next couple weeks.  It will get crazy with back to school God knows what kind of hours I will be doing then but I will make it.  

I did take my antidepressant first thing when I got up so that's on board already.  That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

Is it possible Rons blindness was the reasin he got hit? You didn't get hit. Maybe try and use a crosswalk and don't let fear paralyze you. Your life is hard enough. Fear just keeps pressing in until it swueezes the life out of you.

Heather Knits said...

The guy who ran over Ron admitted he was on the phone when he ran the red light and hit Ron (who was crossing at a traffic light).

No crosswalk near my subdivision except the one a bus stop down with the "idiot box" push button to cross thing and that's what i currently use. They will be developing some lots near my subdivision and there is a chance they will put in a traffic light there.

Anonymous said...

You could use your grocery cart as your actual shopping cart at the store. That's what my grandma did when she lived in NYC and they used those carts for everything. Just a suggestion.

Anonymous said...

Is borax and sugar safe to leave out around the cats? And I wouldn't cross at anything but an actual crossing area either. Sure you can still get hit by a car if a person is not paying attention but it is a lot safer than just darting across the street like the mailman said to do.

Heather Knits said...

My usual grocery budget fits in the 2 tote bags. LOL I have switched to buying instant drink mix and tea bags to make at home vs. lugging soda home.

Borax is technically not safe but the cats just avoid it. I also got some bug spray today and made a perimeter around Ron's room where I keep the candy. I need to buy some baits as well.