Friday, July 22, 2022

Friday morning

We will see today if my bosses are happy with my work last night.  I did work my tail off.  

I slept pretty well but woke up with a headache, I took some Excedrin around 6.  I got up and cooked the turkey sausage I bought Wednesday I had to do it as it was frozen and had thawed in the fridge.  I was happy about that, getting it done.  Made sure it is well done.  

Even better I found the grease can in the fridge to pour off all my drippings.  I will still have to clean the skillet but not as bad a job.  

I had a good shower and shaved my legs, I need to get more consistent about it because I never know when I might not be able to!  And I had cactus legs on Monday, and it was too hot for jeans.  So the plumbers just had to live with it.  

The cats are good.  I am listening to some good wholesome music.  I had a good breakfast and have a good dinner set up, lunch I will get at McDonald's.  Even with all that my carbs for the day are at an estimated 35, sure didn't plan it that way.  I have some snacks if I get hungry but I don't usually eat them.  

And for the first time in 3 years Cleo used the litter box in front of me.  I am very proud of her, told her, and she meowed at me when done.  Feral cats always hide to do their business because they are vulnerable when toileting.  So it is a big compliment for her to pee (in her box) in front of me.  And feral cats do not meow.  

I did my God Time but need to do more bags of candy.  One driver, new to me, was so interested in the book she was reading it at red lights.  I thought that was super cool.  God does all the work I just go. 

That's it for now.  

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