Saturday, July 30, 2022

I am worried

I worked with a lady who quit about a month ago after her husband died.  Management asked me to take over her duties in addition to mine.  I have tried but she worked full time doing just her job.  I work part time and still expected to do my job in addition to hers.  They (management) have not been happy with the results.  They have also not filled her position either.  I am getting told they don't like what I"m doing pretty much every day I come in and then a couple weeks ago they took me in the back and said I had to do better... so I am worried about that.  

I do my best but I cannot do a full time job and a part time job on part time hours.  My primary job has already suffered out of this and they really need to hire someone so I can get back to doing what I do well but they haven't.  They had hired a new girl early this week for another position but I didn't see her the last couple days.  

I am considering buying a pair of slacks for interviewing just in case this doesn't end well.  I just need them to see it is unreasonable to ask me to do all this.  I can help out now and then but I can't carry the full weight and my job.  

Anyway, enough about that... it has been bothering me for a while.  I was down to 197.8 this morning which is very nice.  Happy about that.  Had a headache (probably stress) but I slept OK last night.  I need to take a shower will do that now.  

Oh I wore my new size 20 jeans yesterday and they fit great, very comfortable.  They were a high rise flare leg, I liked them, a nice change of pace.  I don't like skinny jeans in the summer as they are very hot.  But these are nice I plan to wear them again today.  

 All ready to go...I only work 4 hours today so not a long day.  I fixed some tuna to have on my lunch.  197.8 today so still going down.  Well I don't get a lunch I get a break, but the advantage of the tuna I don't need a microwave to heat it up.  

I don't put my food in the fridge I have a small insulated lunch bag with a frozen cold pack.  That has worked very well for me.  Sometimes people leave the fridge door open, etc. so I don't think it is good from a food safety standpoint.  

I am leaving the whole job thing in God's hands, if they say anything to me today I will remind them that department was a full time job up till a month ago.  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

I haven't worked in retail but I have worked almost 30 years in many different customer service jobs as both a worker bee and a manager. Now I work in administration so I see the big picture perspective. I think you sound like a great employee - so many people are flakes or rude to customers. So if your manager is expecting you to do an unreasonable amount of work, they aren't a good manager, period. You can try to wait it out and see if things improve, but I think you deserve better. Remember Walmart is saving a bundle by keeping you part time, now they want you do a full time job without the full time pay - that's totally unfair and sets you up to fail. I hope you start considering your options because there are definitely better jobs out there. If they don't appreciate you find a company that does.

Anonymous said...

Also, same anonymous poster again - I work in health care administration. If you have any hospitals nearby, hospitals always need cafeteria and environmental services employees!

Anonymous said...

Probably shouldn't post this if you're worried about WM seeing it but....Heather, these corporations will chew you up, take what they can, and replace you with another desperate person when you no longer serve their purpose. Employmentwise, your're in a much better place than you were last year. You have what? 14 months recent improvement. Yes, you were employed before but a lot of places aren't too keen on hiring people who worked for themselves before. They might have a great work ethic, but tend to be used to figuring out how to do a job themselves and often aren't great at toeing the company line.

It wouldn't hurt to start looking. Maybe something closer to home this time? Nothing like the luxury of looking for a job when one already doesn't have one. Ya, the economy sucks but the service industry almost always is hiring.

Take care of yourself, you've come a long way already.

Anonymous said...

"And the Lord is the one who is going ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not desert you or abandon you. Do not fear and do not be dismayed.”

Anonymous said...

In Houston there should be lots of hotels that need help. My daughter manages a hotel and can't keep a breakfast person. Not sure you would enjoy housekeeping or not but no manager breathing down your neck.